Often an organization’s mission addresses problems that are difficult to talk about.  In this video you will meet Chloe, an extraordinary young woman whose journey to mental wellness was accompanied by an indomitable mother who refused to lose her daughter to dangerous suicidal thoughts, learning difficulties and socially unacceptable behaviors.

Mental illness and related emotional and behavioral disorders can be tough to discuss, let alone to capture on video.  And yet non-profits who provide services that are change agents in people’s lives need to convey their impact and outcomes in terms that funders and donors can understand.  In this case, the David Lawrence Center chose Chloe’s story to feature in their Gala’s Fund-a-Need for expansion of Children’s services and facilities.

This story is intimate and personal.  It is shared with courage, honesty, and an effort to help broaden financial support for the David Lawrence Center’s remarkable work with children.  The story’s authenticity speaks for itself.  Do not be afraid of telling difficult stories to your funders and community constituents.  They will respond generously.

Cecily Lancit
(239) 676-5722